Monday, September 22, 2008

Totally Random

So Im just so irritated for my oldest daughter. If anyone has a daughter, Im sure you can relate....I know everyone goes through this, I mean i went through this but man I wish I could make it stop. Its so frustrating. So you know, the so called popular girl, usually mean, snobbish, and says rude things (seriously how does this make anyone popular) goes up to my daughter today and asks her if she got a part in the school play (this is by audition) McKenna replies along with her friend, no we didnt get a part and the girl goes thats okay they will probably give you some stupid part to make you feel better! I know not way rude right? but when you are in third grade it hurts. I just wish some people were more in tune with their childrens behaviors and maybe one day we can make this come to an end, and why does it seem to only generate with girls? Ugh, Im so not ready for this preteen crap! Nuff said.....but on the flip side, if I hadnt battled this behavior when I was growing up I wouldnt be the person I am today. Honestly I think it really molded me as a person and how I want to raise my children with morals and values. Anyways now Im rambling..I swear one day I will post something worth reading, until then my pictures are great eye candy ;)


Kacee said...

That is so sad. Kids can be so rude! I am dying over this picture though. What a sweet face and I want that hat!!

Joye said...

I am sure those girls are just like their mothers!! Just be a positive role model (just like you are) and she will turn out great!!!! Mean girls SUCK!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Great post Marissa! WOW! What A MEAN GIRL! I would just be devistated and so sad if I found out my girls treated someone to cruel. Girls are so different then boys...
Your daughter is beautiful by the way...(actually BOTH of them---I adore your little girls hat)

Hey---sent me your email and I will add you to my "Private" blog....k?