Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Brenley!!!!!

I cant believe it I have a two year old!!! (again!) lol. I cant believe you are already two!!! I remember the first year of your life it was so difficult for you but now things are getting better and I couldnt enjoy your personality any more! You are very stubborn but you are also the class clown! You do the funniest things! I laugh on a daily basis at the new things you come up with. Yesterday you took a miniture skateboard (and yes im talking keychain size) and put it under one of your feet and skated around the kitchen. And who would have thought! you have never seen anyone skateboard!!!

You are so musically inclined i cant wait to see what you teach us in this upcoming year. Happy birthday baby! Or I should say little girl!


Ann said...

so seriously I am supposed to get a better pic than that????? It's too cute! Wowzers, you do have all fall babies! Happy Birthday BREN!

Stacy said...

I love that picture of her. She is so darling!

Lisa said...

Marissa, your children are gorgeous! They could all be little models! And your photography is fantastic.

Nikki said...

She is so adorable Marissa! Where did you get her hat? Did you make it? I love it and would love one, if you wouldn't mind letting me know, thanks!